Sunday, May 13, 2012

Family Event Impacted My Life

Chapter Two: Write a memory of a family event or scene that had an impact on your growth and development. Think about the importance of the event, and what you learned from it that stays with you today.

          I was 15 years old and my Mom took us to the springs for a family outing. We were joined by some family friends on this day. A deputy sheriff named Dennis and his wife Nancy. It was a beautiful day, and we were all having a lot of fun. My Mother never liked to take us swimming by herself.She had a natural fear of the water and never learned to swim. This day she felt  safe since our family friend was a deputy, and I was a very strong swimmer. Mom had enrolled me in swimming lesson since the age of 5. My baby sister Kim, who is 7 years younger than me, couldn't swim and usually wore float devices on her arms as a precaution.                 
       I remember my sister wanted to cross to the other side of the springs. The water was shallow over there and she wanted to play. She asked Dennis to carry her across. The current, or run as we called it, was particularly swift that day. It was very hard to stand in place or keep your footing. We had experienced massive flooding the week before, and this  caused the river to rise, and it was flowing into the springs creating strong swift currents.  Kim  removed her arm floats and wrapped her arms around  Dennis' neck and they started to cross the run. As they reached the half way point, Dennis stepped in a hole, which caused him to go under with my sister. I suppose panic set in because Kim began thrashing about, and Dennis could not hold on to her. He began to push Kim away and when  his own panic over took him; he threw Kim further out in the water. Kim was caught in the strong current that was carrying her out into the river. I knew at that point if she reached the murky water no one would be able to find her. I could not believe what was happening, and for a moment I was in a trance, like a deer caught in headlights. I was in a complete state of  horror at the events unfolding, and then I heard my Mom scream, "Lori Anne get her!" 
Lori and Kim
       I jumped in the water and as I made my way to her, all I could see was her upper body floating. She  was face down as if she were dead, then suddenly she started sinking, and all I could see was the tips of her tiny fingers. I swam as fast as I could, and once I reached her, I dove under the water to grab her. She must have been unconscious, because when I touched her she went wild. She was fighting to climb on my head. I kept trying to get a hold of her, but between the strength of the current, and her thrashing about I couldn't. I had to try to maneuver myself to a different angle in order to hold on to her, so I did the only thing I could think of, I pushed her off me. I have felt bad about it for years. She must have been so scared. I can only imagine the thoughts running through her head. That her big sister abandoned her as well.

       I reached back out to Kim, and immediately she started climbing up me as if she were a frightened squirrel scampering up a tree. She grabbed a hold of my head, and once again, I tried to move her. I couldn't get a good grip on her, and  I was not going to let her go again. I decided right then that the only way I could keep a grasp of her was to allow her to position herself as she wanted, on top of my head. I swam in a standing position, with one hand holding her on top of my head and the other guiding myself through the water. I held her as tight as I could so the current wouldn't  pull her away from me. I  was able to get oxygen twice during the whole event. I am not sure how long we were in the water, but it  felt like hours to me. 
      The spring was crystal clear so I was able to see my Mom in neck deep water trying to reach us. I could not feel the bottom with my feet so I kept kicking trying to get closer to my Mom. The last thing I remember was one foot touching bottom and my Mom dragging my sister and me in. My Mom was crying, I could hear her say she thought she had lost 2 of her children. Kim was fine, but I was blue and my eyes had rolled back in my head. Mom said all I would say over and over was, “Mom, don’t put me back in the water, I want to go home.” When she got me home, I remember feeling exhausted and I slept most of the day.
         When I look back on that day, I learned the importance of family, and how much I love my sister. I learned that love is ever so powerful, and there is a special bond between sisters. I used to only see her as a little pest that got on my nerves, but after that day, I learned how much I loved her, and how important she was to me. 
         That incident  greatly impacted my life.  I learned I would gladly give my life, without hesitation to save Kim. My sister and I are extremely close. She is not only my little sister, but my best friend.  That day  created a bond that nothing could destroy, and little did I know that one day Kim would be the one by my side to help me through the darkest days of my life. Our bond is special and even in a dangerous situation; my love for my sister was stronger than any fear I may have had. I Love You Kim!!
My Beautiful Sister Kim

Lori and Kim
 W/C 1005

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