Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Learning I was a Girl and how it saved me

Hi, I'm Lori and this is my Blog....This is my life and thoughts.....
Welcome to My World!!!

This Blog is one I am doing for my English Composition II Class. It is my assignment for my Creative and Critical Assessment Project.  I will add the description of the blog and then tell my story as only I can tell it.The first part of my blog is based on my real life situations, and then I will blog about exurpts from Sound Ideas.

The assignment: Chapter One: Write the memory of a childhood event that recounts a story related to your own identity as a boy or a girl and a moment of realizing gender differences. Think about the importance of the event, and what you learned from it that stays with you today.

My Granny
     I was very young, not sure of what age I actually was, and it was my Granny that taught me I was a little girl. She told me that I was different from little boys. She said that my body was my temple, and no one had the right to touch me in a manner that made me uncomfortable. I remember asking what that meant, and she replied, “Touching you in your private girl parts.” She explained that little girls were made different from little boys. She elaborated and explained the differences between girls and boys. My Granny told me if anyone ever tried to touch me in the manner she described, I was to scream as loud as I could, and run straight to her or the nearest grown up and tell them I needed help. She made me promise her, and I did. She said she never wanted me to know how evil strangers or even people who weren’t strangers truly are. She wanted to guard and shield me from the atrocities that some come to know. I took everything she said to heart. That was the day I learned I was a girl, and I was different from little boys.
    It was several years later that her talk would come into my mind and guide me to safety. I was in Elementary and went to the store a block from my house to buy some candy. I was the only one in the store with the owner. I remember I was reaching for the candy jar, and the store owner came walked around to where I was. He was smiling as he always did, and said, “Hi Lori Anne, guess you need some candy today.” I replied “Yes Sir”. He then got very close to me and put his hand on my behind and said, “Well if you’re a real good girl today you can have all the candy you want.” I remember pushing him away from me and a sick feeling flowing all over my body. He then approached me again, this time trying to touch my “private girl parts”. I screamed “Stop” as loud as I could and ran home, just as I promised her I would do. I immediately informed my Granny of what had happen. My Granny called the Police and the Store Owner was arrested. He had been involved in other situations like this but no one would talk about it. I guess people were too embarrassed about such back in that time. I could have been seriously injured or maybe killed had my Granny not taught me that I was a little girl at a young age. This memory has stayed with me my whole life, and it taught me to let my children know the differences at a young age in order to guard and shield them from such evils in the world.  

W/C 485

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